Recovery from a drug or alcohol addiction does not end when you leave rehab. Maintaining your sobriety is a day-to-day process that takes work. When you make the life-changing decision to live your life free of alcohol or drugs, you need to use all the resources you have available to safeguard your sobriety. Listening to recovery podcasts is a helpful tool for living a substance-free life.
What Is a Recovery Podcast?
Recovery podcasts are audio programs that cover a range of experiences, tips, and advice about addiction and recovery. The hosts of many recovery podcasts are people who have struggled with alcohol or drug addiction. They share their stories to help others remain sober by providing a sense of community. You can listen to these podcasts from the comfort of your home, in your car, or anywhere you like.
Below are six interesting recovery podcasts to help keep you on track.
Clean and Sober Radio
Created and hosted by Gary Hendler and co-hosted by Mark Sigmund, Clean and Sober Radio features real people telling their stories of drug and alcohol addiction and recovery. Both men have first-hand experience with addiction and share their commitment to helping others achieve successful, long-term recovery. Their podcast can be heard three times a week; listeners can call into the show and join the conversation. All episodes can be accessed anytime. Recent podcast guests have included comedian Gary Lewis, bank robber Nolan Burchett, Jackass Star Brandon Novak, and Tommy James of the Shondells. In addition to interviews, the podcast also explores topics such as addiction and the family, trauma and addiction, and round table discussions on recovery.
Seasons of Sobriety
Seasons of Sobriety, hosted by Howard M., provides a look at the lives of those in recovery for many years. Each podcast features a guest who talks with Howard about different stages of addiction recovery. What is life in recovery like after five or ten years? How is life after twenty years of sobriety? Howard guides his guests as they describe their journey and the changes in their lives. They talk about persevering through sadness, resentment, and fear. They explore their joys and accomplishments. Instead of focusing on addiction, the dialogue focuses on recovery and the calm it promotes.
My Child & Addiction: A Parent-to-Parent Podcast
Each of the three fathers hosting My Child & Addiction: A Parent-to-Parent Podcast has a child addicted to drugs or alcohol. The podcast provides insight into addiction and offers strategies to help parents cope. It explores the ways parents can approach different situations that occur. Along with the three fathers, the podcasts include parents from parent support groups that join in on the discussion. By sharing their struggles and stories, the group hopes to provide fathers, mothers, grandparents, and guardians support and let them know they are not alone. Examples of topics covered are addiction as a family disease, parental pride, and expectations.
The One Day At A Time Podcast
The One Day At A Time Podcast, also called The ODAAT Podcast, is hosted by Arlina Allen. Having struggled with alcohol addiction for years, Arlina learned that recovery for her was not about making a huge change. It was about small changes that got her through each day, one day at a time. The podcast shares inspirational stories of recovery and lessons learned along the way. The hostess and her guests talk about recovery openly and honestly. One of their hopes is to eliminate the stigma that surrounds addiction. Ms. Allen stresses that her podcast has no affiliation with any 12-Step program. She also explains its purpose is not to replace a person’s 12-Step program but to enhance it.
Addiction Unlimited Podcast
Addiction Unlimited is a podcast hosted by recovery coach Angela Pugh. Specializing in drug and alcohol addiction, Angela herself is a recovering alcoholic. Her podcast includes recovery tips, stories from others in recovery, and expert guests. Several of her latest episodes included coping skills, dealing with cravings, and life-changing habits.
Recovery Rocks
Recovery Rocks is co-hosted by recovery advocates Tawny Lara and Lisa Smith, two rock-and-roll-obsessed millennials. The team of these two women, one a lawyer and the other a writer, brings a different take on recovery podcasts. The rock-music-infused podcast is light-hearted in many ways. But when it comes to addiction recovery, it is serious. The co-hosts look at the issues affecting those struggling with addiction and examine the issues from different perspectives. They look at all aspects of recovery and encourage input from their audience.
Do You Need Help?
If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, help is available. You are not alone. Call and speak with a caring professional at English Mountain Recovery located in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. We will answer your questions and help you begin your journey on the path to recovery.
About the Author: 
Terry Hurley is a retired educational professional and freelance writer with more than fifty years of experience. A former reading specialist and learning center director, Terry loved her years working with children in the educational field. She has written extensively for print and online publications specializing in education and health issues. For the last six years, her writing focus has been on addiction and mental health issues.