

Recovery |

English Mountain Recovery Center blog articles on the topic of addiction recovery for individuals in recovery from drugs and/or alcohol. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

How to Survive the Pink Cloud in Addiction Recovery, Using Mindfulness to Help Manage the Pink Cloud
When individuals first begin their journey in addiction recovery, they may experience a phenomenon known as the pink cloud. This term refers to a period of time, usually early in sobriety, when individuals feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and joy as they start to see improvements in their lives after overcoming drug or alcohol...
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Everyone experiences stress. Whether triggered by job or school-related deadlines, moments of apprehension or dread, or anticipation of a future event, stress can adversely impact a person’s physical and mental well-being. When it comes to those who are working towards healing from drug or alcohol addiction, the successful management of stress is a vital element...
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Withdrawal, Addiction Withdrawal,
Starting the journey toward recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is a courageous step that comes with various physical and psychological challenges. Withdrawal is one of the first obstacles encountered. Withdrawal is a crucial phase where the body and mind adjust to functioning without substances. Understanding withdrawal, its symptoms, and how to manage them is...
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National Recovery Month: Recovery is For Everyone
September is National Recovery Month. It is a time to recognize the courage of individuals in addiction recovery. It is also an opportunity to honor the dedication of the family members, healthcare providers, and other supporters who help them in their recovery journeys. This year, National Recovery Month adopted a permanent official theme, “Every Person....
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woman gazing at mountain landscape
Some of our Client Testimonials I could not have gone one more day without the help that I have received here. I never looked at the beauty in my life before, but my eyes are wide open to it now.Stephanie P.When I go home I know my self-esteem will benefit by knowing I have been sober...
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