

Articles on Family Addiction

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beer bottle spilled over on table with spilled beer in shape of a broken heart - children of alcoholics
Adult Children of AlcoholicsOne out of every five adults in the United States lived with an alcoholic in their household growing up. Whether it was their mother, father, guardian, or relative, these children faced a higher risk for developing emotional problems than those raised in homes where alcoholism was not present. As adult children of...
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two men talking on couch
Speaking UpIf you’re worried about a loved one’s drug or alcohol use, it’s important to voice your concerns. Even if you feel as though it’s not your place to say anything, remaining silent only allows the addiction to progress. These tips will help you start a meaningful dialogue that encourages your loved one to seek...
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young woman turned away from two men talking or arguing
How can you be sure that you are really helping your addicted loved one?Are there ways that you can tell when you may be close to stepping over the line into enabling him or when you have already crossed it?At times it can be difficult for those closest to someone who is struggling with an...
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girl sitting on hill during sunset
Guilt is an emotion that many people in recovery are familiar with.Once they are free from the influence of addictive substances, they can step back and see how their addiction has impacted their family members and friends in a way that may not have been clear when they were drinking or using.Feeling guilty is our...
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couple having coffee
Most people would agree that loving someone means being prepared to be part of their life during good and bad times. When someone we care about is facing a personal challenge, we step up to do whatever we can to help them. Our hope is that the people we are closest to would do the...
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Dad hugging young daughter
When one person in a family becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, their substance abuse issue doesn’t exist in a bubble. It affects the entire family, causing a number of interpersonal problems. It’s not a stretch to say that addiction is a family disease, since it changes the relationships the family has with the addict...
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How to tell your family that you have an addiction
Have there been times when you have tried to tell your family about your addiction? You gather up your courage and try to tell them, but, before you start, fear and uncertainty take hold. Maybe it’s not the right time. Maybe they really won’t understand. Will they stop loving me? As these kinds of thoughts...
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