English Mountain Drug Rehab Client Testimonials:

“I have spent the last ninety days up here on English Mountain. I am being discharged tomorrow. I would like to thank you for the opportunity at sobriety. Before I found myself here I was living on the streets in Los Angeles, California. I was physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. I had no where to go and was drinking my breakfast, lunch and dinner. The only thing that I knew for sure is, it wouldn’t be long before I checked out..

I have been drinking for more than half of my life starting at the age of 13. I am now 28. I had reached the point that when I stopped drinking I got very physically sick and had to be hospitalized for DT’s more than once. Even though I would be sober coming out of the hospital I didn’t know what it took for me to quit. Without a spiritual foundation I was lost and sobriety was not an option. Since being up here I have found my higher power. I have found a freedom I have never known before. The chains of alcohol have been broken and today I have a choice. I would like to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to all who have made this possible. Just so you know you have saved at least one broken life.”

Tony V.