
Substance Addiction Relapse Triggers, Addiction Relapse Triggers
Substance addiction relapse triggers are classified into two categories: internal and external. Understanding these triggers is crucial for individuals on the path to recovery from drugs or alcohol. What Are Substance Addiction Relapse Triggers?Drug or alcohol addiction relapse triggers include different stimuli or circumstances that heighten the risk of a person reverting to drug or alcohol...
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Alcohol Addiction Myths
Alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism or alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a serious and often misunderstood condition that affects approximately 28.9 million people in the United States. Despite the prevalence of this disease, there are still many myths and misconceptions surrounding alcohol addiction. Below are eight of these myths. By separating fact from fiction, we...
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Types of Journals That Benefit Addiction Recovery
Journaling plays a crucial role in drug and alcohol addiction recovery. Journals offer a safe space to express thoughts, emotions, and experiences. By documenting their journey, those in recovery gain insight and self-awareness. They also relieve emotional distress. When feelings and thoughts are written down, they become clearer and more manageable.There are many ways to...
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Proper Nutrition for Recovery, Example of Proper Nutrition for Recovery, Benefits of Proper Nutrition in Recovery, How Does Substance Abuse and Poor Nutrition Affect the Body?
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important for everyone. For those in recovery from a substance use disorder, proper nutrition is essential. During times of active addiction, it is not unusual for individuals to develop very poor nutritional habits. Learning about healthy eating and following a proper nutritional plan can be the difference between a...
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Types of Experiential Therapy
Experiential therapy is an innovative and evidence-based approach to addiction recovery. It focuses on engaging individuals in hands-on activities that allow them to express themselves in a variety of ways. It helps them gain a deeper understanding of their behaviors and develop the skills needed to maintain long-term sobriety.Understanding Experiential Therapy in Addiction RecoveryExperiential therapy...
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Sober Fun: Seven Ideas for People in Recovery
In the recovery journey from drug and alcohol addiction, finding healthy and enjoyable ways to have fun is essential. Fun times can help individuals stay motivated and focused on their sobriety. From exploring new hobbies to connecting with others, there are countless ways to have a good time while staying sober. Seven Ideas for People in...
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Understanding Co-occurring Disorders, PTSD and Substance Addiction, co-occurring disorders of post-traumatic stress disorder and drug or alcohol addiction
The co-occurring disorder of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorder (SUD) is a complex and challenging issue that many individuals face. Understanding the connection between these two conditions is crucial in order to provide effective treatment and support for individuals who are struggling.Understanding Co-occurring DisordersA co-occurring disorder is when an individual simultaneously experiences...
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Treatment Center for Substance Use Disorder
Sadly, there is a close connection between domestic violence and addiction. Studies by the American Society of Addiction Medicine and the United States Department of Justice indicate forty to sixty percent of all reported incidents of domestic violence occurred while the abuser was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, with the majority of them...
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Types of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition that affects 2.6 percent of people (5.7 million) in the United States aged 18 and older*. Individuals suffering from this condition experience significant fluctuations in mood, concentration, energy, and their ability to carry out day-to-day activities. Understanding the Basics of Bipolar DisorderFluctuations of bipolar disorder manifest as episodes...
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